5G-IANA launched on February 22 nd , 2023, the first Open Call of the project. The project is calling for SMEs and start-ups to apply to this program that will allow them to run their automotive network applications on top of the platform provided by the 5G-IANA project making use of 5G connectivity.
This Info Day aimed to inform potential applicants about the benefits of the program, about the 5G-IANA platform and its offerings, and about the deployment of Network Applications within the 5G-IANA platform. Participants were guided about the Open Call conditions as well as the application procedure.
- An introduction to 5G-IANA – Eirini Liotou (ICCS), 5G-IANA Deputy Coordinator.
- The 5G-IANA AOEP and its offerings – Dimitris Klonidis (Ubitech) 5G-IANA Technical Coordinator & Dinos Katsaros (ICCS), 5G-IANA Technical Coordinator.
- 5G-IANA nApps: How to build 5g enabled services for the automotive sector – Matteo Andolfi (Nextworks).
- The 5G-IANA Open Call: How to apply – Sevi Christoforou (ICCS), 5G-IANA Dissemination Manager.