Papers and Publications








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Papers and Publications

Conference Proceedings

V. Sourlas, A. Rizk, K.V. Katsaros, P. Pantazopoulos, G. Drainakis, A. Amditis 2021 ‘A Distributed ML Framework for Service Deployment in the 5G-based Automotive Vertical’, The International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking 2021 (IEEE MeditCom), Athens, Greece,  7-10  September 2021.

V. Sourlas, K. V. Katsaros, A. Xirofotos, D. Klonidis, E. Bonetto, D. Brevi, R. Scopigno, F. Moscatelli, M. Wimmer, B. Haetty, S. Schulz, A. Rizkk, M. Buchholzk and A. Amditis 2021, ‘5G-IANA: A 5G Experimentation Platform for Intelligent Automotive Network Applications’, IEEE 5G for CAM Virtual Summit, Brussels, Belgium, 11 – 12 May 2021.

G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, and A. Amditis 2021, ‘On the Resource Consumption of Distributed ML’, IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (IEEE LANMAN 2021), Online, 12-14 July 2021.

I. Sartzetakis, P. Soumplis, P. Pantazopoulosand, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas and E.Varvarigos 2022, ‘Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning at the (Edge-Cloud) Continuum’ IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication, QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (IEEE ICC’22 – CQRM Symposium), Seoul, South Korea, 16–20 May 2022.

F. Moscatelli, T. Xirofotos, A. Rizk, N. Baganal-Krishna, E. Bonetto, E. Liotou, and A. Amditis, ‘The 5G-IANA platform: Bringing far-edge resources and ML potential to the disposal of automotive third parties’, IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Montreal, Canada, 12 -14 October 2022.

R. Lübben and A. Rizk, “TAILING: Tail Distribution Forecasting of Packet Delays Using Quantile Regression Neural Networks,” ICC 2023 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 377-383, doi: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279762.

N. Baganal-Krishna, D. Munstein and A. Rizk, “LETHE: Combined Time-to-Live Caching and Load Balancing on the Network Data Plane“, 2023 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), London, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/LANMAN58293.2023.10189809.

E. Liotou, D. Klonidis, M. Andolfi, P. Schmitting, E. Bonetto, M. Wimmer, K. Katsaros, C. Ververidis, “The 5G-IANA Automotive Open Experimentation Platform: Features and Assets at the Disposal of Third Parties“, IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, November 2023.

G. Scivoletto, M. Andolfi, E. Liotou, K. V. Katsaros, F. Princiotto, E. Bonetto, D. Brevi, G. T. Xirofotos, G. Landi, M. Fuentes, M Ortiz, R. Horvath, M. Wimmer, “Development & Reliable Orchestration of Network Applications for the Automotive Domain Across the Edge-To-Cloud Continuum”, EuCNC & 6G Summit – AIU, Antwerp, Belgium, June 2024

Journal Publications

K. V. Katsaros, E. Liotou, F. Moscatelli, T. Rokkas, G. Drainakis, E. Bonetto, D. Brevi, D. Klonidis, I. Neokosmidis, A. Amditis. “Enabling Far-Edge Intelligent Services with Network Applications: The Automotive Case,” in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 122-128, December 2022, doi: 10.1109/IOTM.001.2200215.

Nehal Baganal Krishna, Ralf Lübben, Eirini Liotou, Konstantinos V. Katsaros, Amr Rizk. “A Federated Learning Approach to QoS Forecasting in Cellular Vehicular Communications: Approaches and Empirical Evidence” in Elsevier computer Networks, February 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110239

White Papers and other reports

Software Networks 5G-PPP WG (July 2023), Network Applications: Opening up 5G and Beyond networks

5G PPP Steering Board and the 5G PPP Technology Board (November 2023), Steering Board, Technology Board Review of the 5G PPP

Plugfest ’23 report, a report about the Plugfest that took place within the IEEE World Forum IoT in October 2023, which gathered many projects from ICT-41 in Aveiro.

Contribution to the report by the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association: “Smart city trials in Europe – Summary of activities in smart city vertical segments/use cases”