16 Partners

5G-IANA, running from June 2021 to November 2024, consists of 16 partners from 8 different EU countries.

The I-SENSE Group of ICCS, as project coordinator, will carry out most of the coordination activities, ensuring the efficient overall coordination, particularly the management of the administrative and financial aspects and will also set up and involve project governance bodies. ICCS will also contribute to the specification of the Distributed AI/ML framework (DML), as well as to the development of the DML framework components and its integration in the 5G testbeds. Finally, ICCS will lead the dissemination activities of the project and support the involvement of new actors in 5G-IANA activities and, in particular, organise a number of micro-projects to collect innovative ideas based on the application of 5G technologies in Automotive related services tested in 5G-IANA experimentation platforms.

NOKIA provides an on-air test network in Ulm, Germany. It consists of 5 sites with 3 radio cells each, and covers major parts of the city of Ulm. For the 5G-IANA project, the 5G Standalone (SA) architecture ‘Option 2’ will be made available. A number of preconfigured network slices will be provided, which get resources both from the Radio Access and the Core Network allocated to meet the low latency (URLLC) and high data rates (eMBB). NOKIA leads Task 3.5 on “5G experimentation platforms integration and system testing”.

UULM will contribute to the design, implementation, validation and evaluation of the distributed AI/ML (DML) framework envisioned in 5G-IANA. UULM will showcase the strength of the DML with Use Case (UC6) of network traffic monitoring and flow level communication performance prediction that retains the privacy of the user data while allowing scalable distributed learning on network traffic data. UULM will play an active role in the dissemination, exploitation and communication activities of the project.

LINKS Foundation will bring to the 5G-IANA project its expertise in the vehicular communications field and in the development of applications for C-ITS services devoted to connected and automated vehicles. LINKS will be responsible for the development of On-Board Unit in vehicles and of Road Side Units.

Vicomtech makes part of this ambitious project and will assume the responsibility of leading data monitoring and processing. Additionally, it will be involved in the technical tasks related to the NetApp Toolkit development and will also lead dissemination and exploitation activities. Vicomtech will bring its expertise on streaming and coding standards and its great wealth of knowledge on autonomous driving technologies. It will implement its services based on Artificial Vision, Advanced Display Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Advance Algorithm. Vicomtech puts at the disposal of the project its extensive infrastructure including an Autonomous Vehicle and an Interactive Digital TV Laboratory.

Telekom Slovenije, as mobile operator, will contribute to both technological and business validation of developed technologies through its 5G network. It will measure and analyse relevant KPIs, as well as define requirements and participate in evaluation. Furthermore, it will provide experimental facility within its own laboratory, which, includes 5G mobile network, cloud, Iaas and IoT infrastructure. Finally, TS will also actively disseminate and exploit its own work and results, as well as work and results of the whole consortium relevant to its strategy

UBITECH brings to the 5G-IANA project its expertise in the orchestration of cloud-native applications over 5G domain and in the development of applications targeting the automotive industry. Specifically, UBITECH will be the technical coordination of 5G-IANA project in order to ensure the delivery and the coordination of all technical activities of the different WPs. UBITECH will contribute in the WP2 by guiding the collection of requirements that will specify the design and the development of the NOD and its APIs (Task 2.1). It will also provide its competencies in the development of 5G-IANA architecture by leading the WP3. In WP4 will contribute to all Tasks mainly focusing on the integration process between NetApps and the developed VNFs. Finally, UBITECH will assist in WP5 in the validation of all the Use cases on the 5G-IANA platform as well as in the dissemination and exploitation of the whole project.

HIT will lead WP5 particularly focusing on the planning and mostly on the coordination of the execution of the validation and demonstration activities for all 5G-IANA use cases. Moreover, HIT will contribute in the specification and software development activities related to the Virtual Bus Tour NetApp and the validation of the corresponding use case. HIT will be responsible for overseeing all 5G-IANA NetApps development and integration activities of partners enforcing a common cross-partner implementation and lifecycle management framework. HIT will also utilize its experience in the commercialization of R&D outputs to contribute to the specification of sustainable business models for 5G-IANA. Finally, HIT will have an active role in the dissemination, exploitation and communication activities of the project.

Bylogix s.r.l. is an automotive engineering company working in several areas since 2007. In 5G-IANA project, Bylogix is fully involved in UC definition, preparation, and realization. Project contributions are mainly concentrated on Communication and Baseline VNFs development in order to ensure concrete application to the MANOEUVRES COORDINATION FOR AUTONOMOUS DRIVING (UC2-MCAD).

FSCOM participates in WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7 and leads the tasks T5.1 and T7.5.

FSCOM will contribute with its experiences in telecommunications protocols and the development and application of test architectures and methodologies in the technical tasks. Furthermore, in T7.5 we will raise awareness of 5G-IANA in standardisation organisations and contribute with 5G-IANA project results to standardisation and to EU policies and regulations.

Nextworks contributes to 5G-IANA in 2 major areas: design and prototyping of NetApp orchestration and repository platforms; packaging of 5G-NetApps for the Automotive vertical. Work builds on strong expertise and background assets.

Fivecomm leads the use case on remote driving. Thanks to 5G-IANA, they will research on the configuration of Intelligent NetApps and the virtualization of its current solution. Within the project, Fivecomm will provide remote driving services operating over the cloud network for fast operation and improved performance. Fivecomm will additionally provide and configure an autonomous vehicle for other use cases and demonstrations when needed.

INC will lead WP6 – Market strategy, emergence of new actors and sustainability and the activities related to the market potential and sustainability of the 5G-IANA solutions and innovations. It will contribute to the activities related to the market and techno-economic analysis and will draft the business models. It will also lead the activity related to the exploitation strategy of the consortium. Furthermore, it will contribute to use cases and requirements definition as well as to dissemination activities.

O7 will utilize the 5G-IANA infrastructure to develop functionalities that will provide live feedback to drivers about road segments with high frequency of risk related events (e.g. speeding, harsh accelerations/brakings), as well as the estimated parking circulation time in specific areas

COGN will provide a mobile augmented reality (AR) NetApp deployed and run in Ulm at the 5G network offered by Nokia. The NetApp is part of our immersive experience for infotainment automotive services over 5G V2I networks. COGN will contribute to the specifications of the NetApps toolkit in WP2. It will also lead the development of UC4 and its validation and demonstration. COGN participates in WP6 by identifying sustainable business models and market opportunities for the UC4.

Internet Institute, an innovative SME, will lead the development of “Situational awareness in cross border road tunnel accidents” use case. It will contribute to the specification, development, and validation of the VNFs related to the use case. Also, it will perform the validation and demonstration of the use case in both testbeds. A special focus will be put also on certification and exploitation of the project’s outcome.