On November 23rd– 24th the 5G-IANA consortium physically met again for a two-day Plenary Meeting and was warmly welcomed to the city of Torino by our partner LINKS Foundation – Fondazione LINKS.
On the first day of the meeting, Work Package Leaders presented to the Consortium the work already addressed, the current status of the activities and the roadmap for the upcoming months. The second day was time to review the project’s seven Use Cases, the testbeds, and the plan for the engagement of third parties.
Furthermore, the consortium had the great opportunity to take part at the demos performed by our Italian partners: LINKS Foundation – Fondazione LINKS presented to the consortium the On-Board Unit (OBU) and Road-Side Unit (RSU) they have specifically developed for the project, while Bylogix introduced to the Consortium the car that will be used on Use Case 2 of the project.
Very fruitful discussions took place during the presentations that provided excellent feedback and resulted in specific actions towards project planning and execution.
Thank you to all 5G-IANA partners and a special thanks to LINKS for your warm hosting!