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ETSI TC INT Approves Groundbreaking TR 104 074 for 5G Network Applications

We are thrilled to announce that ETSI TC INT has approved the final version of TR 104 074, titled “Methodologies for Testing & Validation of Network Application-based Services over 5G Networks.” This pivotal document is now set for publication.

TR 104 074 stems from the innovative efforts of WP5 within the 5G-IANA project, showcasing how EU-funded initiatives can significantly influence international standardization. With its publication, the comprehensive validation methodology developed, implemented, and rigorously tested within 5G-IANA will be accessible to all professionals engaged in the cutting-edge field of Network Applications.

In parallel, ETSI has initiated a new work item for version 2 of TR 104 074, which will incorporate findings from the Horizon Europe project PoDIUM. This approach ensures that TR 104 074 remains a dynamic, evolving document, continually updated with the latest methodologies from EU-funded projects. The ultimate goal is to establish a unified, globally applicable methodology that can eventually be published as a technical specification, serving as a normative reference for Network Applications worldwide.


2024-11-29T13:15:33+00:00Categories: Project News, Technical Blog|

5G-IANA open calls’ results and feedback: Lessons learnt from start-ups’ and SMEs’ integration

Join us for an insightful session where we delve into the outcomes of 5G-IANA’s Open Calls, spotlighting experiences from participating start-ups and SMEs. This webinar will cover key aspects of the 5G-IANA platform, including technical support and coaching, and explore how 5G technology and the specific resources of the 5G-IANA ecosystem have helped participants achieve their innovation objectives.

We’ll feature a series of presentations from Open Call participants, each showcasing their services, discussing how the integration of 5G enhanced their offerings, and sharing the knowledge and growth opportunities gained through this collaboration.

To wrap up, an interactive Q&A will provide an opportunity to engage directly with our experts and the participants, allowing deeper insights into the achievements and future plans stemming from this initiative.

If you missed it, you can watch it in the link below

Date: 21st November

Time: 14:00 CET

Webinar duration: 60 minutes | Moderation by VICOM (@Dorleta Garcia Melero)

1.Introduction to 5G-IANA & Open Call rounds [5 minutes] – Xenofon Vasilakos (ICCS)
2.Technical support & coaching: Platform & Testbed facilities, and coaching scheme outline [5 minutes] – Thanos Xirofotos (UBI)
3.Business Opportunities [5 minutes] – Theodoros Rokkas (INC)
4.Open Call participants [40 minutes] – 10 minutes for AviSence, roadsAI, LinkRobotics, FERON
5.QnA [5 minutes]
2024-11-26T12:05:45+00:00Categories: Events, Project News, Webinars|


Exciting participation of the 5G-IANA project at the IEEE VTC 2024 in Washington, DC! From October 7th-10th, industry experts and researchers gathered for a dynamic workshop on Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) powered by 5G.
Under the “Network Applications” session, Christina Anagnostopoulou represented the 5G-IANA project. She showcased the 5G Open Experimentation platform, the innovative Network Applications, and the synergetic use cases developed by our project. The event highlighted how these innovations are reshaping vehicular technology and communications, validating results in pilot sites.
The workshop fostered invaluable collaboration, pushing the boundaries of 5G-powered vehicular technology.

2024-10-31T08:08:28+00:00Categories: Events|

5G-IANA Webinar on Business Models

Registration link here

5G-IANA aims at providing an open 5G experimentation platform, on top of which third party experimenters, in the Automotive-related vertical can have the opportunity to develop, deploy and test their services.

This workshop will provide details on the envisioned business models associated with the development and provision of automotive services using the 5G-IANA platform.

The webinar will begin with an overview of the 5G-IANA platform. Different scenarios for the service creation and provision showing the different roles that actors can take within the ecosystem will be presented considering the ecosystem around the 5G-IANA experimentation platform. The possible business model for the exploitation of the 5G-IANA platform will be presented. Finally, the success story of Use Cases will be presented highlighting the benefits of 5G-IANA platform and the possible exploitation paths.


  • Xenofon Vasilakos (ICCS)
  • Theodoros Rokkas (InCites Consulting)
  • Alexis Aivaliotis (O7)
  • Dimitris Grigoriadis (Hypertech)

Below you will find the agenda for the webinar:

Overall duration: 1h

Duration Title Speaker
Moderation Dimitris Maragkos (ICCS)
10’ 5G-IANA project intro Xenofon Vasilakos (ICCS)
15’ 5G-IANA Business Models Theodoros Rokkas (InCites Consulting)
10’ Use Case 3 Success Story Dimitris Grigoriadis (Hypertech)
10’ Use Case 5 Success Story Alexis Aivaliotis (O7)
15’ Q&A All


You can see the full recording here:

2024-11-08T13:24:36+00:00Categories: Events, Project News, Webinars|

5G-IANA Final Event

The 5G-IANA Final Event is here!

The 5G-IANA: 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications Final Event will take place on October 23rd, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, hosted by Telekom Slovenije. The event will feature keynote addresses from the EU Project Officer, Dr. Jorge Pereira, alongside prominent Slovenian VIPs, and expert-led demonstrations of pioneering 5G innovations in the automotive sector. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the project’s objectives and practical applications, with ample opportunities to network with industry leaders and innovators. The event’s highlight will be live demonstrations of advanced applications, including cross-border road tunnel accident awareness, AI-powered remote driving, and autonomous vehicle coordination, providing an exclusive preview of the future of intelligent automotive technologies.

The final agenda of the event is as follows:

Local time Topic
09:00 – 9:30 Walk-in and registration (30’)
09:30 – 09:45 Kick-off: Opening & Welcome messages (15’)

–        Welcome message by hosts, Telekom Slovenije, d.d., Boštjan Škufca Zaveršek, M.Sc., Vice-President of the Management Board

09:45 – 10:05 Keynote speeches (20’)

–        Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia, Representative speaker (10′)

–        Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Boštjan Tavčar (10′)

10:05 – 10:10 Buffer / possible questions by Journalists
10:10 – 10:35 The 5G-IANA Project (25’)

–        Project Objectives

–        Use Cases behind the live demonstrations

10:35 – 11:20 Coffee Break & Interviews (45’)
11:20 – 11:30 Keynote by EU Project Officer (10’)
11:30-13:00 Live Demonstrations (90’)

–         Situational awareness in cross-border road tunnel accidents (25’)

–         Remote Driving enhanced by AI-powered Network Status Prediction (25’)

–        3rd party External Experimenters (20’)

–        Maneuvers coordination for autonomous driving enhanced by High-risk driving hotspot detection (20’)

13:00 – 14:00 –         Lunch & farewell by ICCS (60’)

Remote attendance via MS Teams teleconference:
Click to participate now
Call ID: 353 743 632 642  

Password: sxyjak 


2024-10-18T13:16:30+00:00Categories: Events, Project News|

INCITES’ role in 5G-IANA

5G-IANA aims at providing an open 5G experimentation platform, on top of which third party experimenters, i.e., Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Automotive-related vertical have the opportunity to develop, deploy and test their services.
InCites Consulting is leading the tasks related to the development of the most appropriate business models that can be used for the exploitation and sustainability of the 5G-IANA platform. Based on the word performed here are some key aspects that should be considered.

The problems that the 5G-IANA AOEP aims to address are associated with the lack of specialized 5G experimental platforms that can be accessible by third party experimenters, where they can run their experiments and validate their solutions. 5G-IANA offers access to resources specific to the automotive vertical, while the VNF repository and the network application toolkit can assist third parties to compose their own services even if their level of expertise is low.

Regarding the competition there are some generic emulators that have several limitations with the most important to be the lack of resources needed for the development of services in the automotive vertical. There are other experimental platforms from other 5G projects that are developed under the same call, from 5G-PPP earlier phases or from national funded projects; but to the best of our knowledge no platform is targeting explicitly the automotive vertical.

The value of the 5G-IANA platform The solution that the 5G-IANA platform offers includes 5G testbeds, HW resources, SW resources and toolkits, along with human capital that are difficult to be offered from other stakeholders, while MNOs that could potentially offer such resources are not for the moment eager to open up their networks to external parties.

The value of 5G experimental platforms lies in their ability to accelerate the development, testing, and validation of network applications in the context of 5G networks in the automotive vertical. There are two main target groups that can benefit from their interaction with 5G-IANA.The first target group includes experimenters, researchers, application and service providers, SMEs and startups. The value that 5G-IANA offers to that market segment can be analysed in the following elements:

 Promote innovation and research
 Limiting the risk of innovation
 Use case validation
 Realistic testing
 Fostering collaboration
 Education and Training

The second market segment that 5G-IANA can target includes Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). By partnering with 5G-IANA platform, mobile operators can leverage a wide range of benefits, from accelerated innovation and cost efficiency to enhanced customer experience and new revenue opportunities.. The value that 5G-IANA can offer to that market segment can be summarized in the following:

 Rapid Testing and Deployment
 Competitive advantage
 Enhanced network performance
 Improved customer experience
 Generation of new revenue streams
 Migrate risk
 Increase expertise

2024-08-02T11:41:00+00:00Categories: Technical Blog|
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